Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Crystals and Angels

Crystals and AngelsRelated image
Crystals are solids that form by a regular repeated pattern of molecules connecting together. In crystals, a collection of atoms, called the Unit Cell, is repeated in exactly the same arrangement over and over throughout the entire material.It is a clear, transparent mineral or glass resemblingice. a solid body having a characteristic internal structure and enclosed by symmetrically arrangedplane surfaces,intersecting at definite and characteristic angles.crystal or crystalline solid is a solid material whose constituents (such as atoms, molecules, or ions) are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a crystal lattice that extends in all directions. In addition, macroscopic single crystals are usually identifiable by their geometrical shape, consisting of flat faces with specific, characteristic orientations. The scientific study of crystals and crystal formation is known as crystallography. The process of crystal formation via mechanisms of crystal growth is called crystallization or solidification.
The word crystal derives from the Ancient Greek word κρύσταλλος (krustallos), meaning both “ice” and “rock crystal”, from κρύος (kruos), “icy cold, frost”.
Crystals have an orderly and symmetrical atomic structure and a definite chemical composition, definite external geometrical shape bounded by plane faces and physical (and optical) properties which vary with direction (except for the isometric minerals).A crystal is a hard, solid substance made of molecules that bond together in specific patterns to form an interesting shape that has straight edges and flat surfaces.Image result for crystal
Only if a mineral is allowed to grow without interference from other minerals will it form crystals. Minerals “grow,” or crystallize, from many types of solutions. They may precipitate from evaporating sea water or crystallize from magmas when lava cools. While growing, minerals may develop a distinct crystal form with smooth, flat planes called crystal faces. The geometric pattern of the crystal faces reflects the internal atomic arrangement of the crystal structure. This is one of the most important things about a mineral.
Crystals are part of the earth itself and of nature. They are comprised of quartz and silica, which are also a major component of the human body. Like color, crystals also emit a vibration frequency, which matches the electromagnetic field of both the earth and its human occupants. The most widely used crystal today is clear quartz and it can be found powering watches, computers and radios to name a few. Within the light catchers and jewelry the sympathetic resonance of quartz is used for its healing properties and to amplify the energy of the other stones.What a crystal is made of actually depends on what kind of crystal it is for example, salt, sugar, and snowflakes are actually formed out of different kinds of crystals! Snowflakes are made from crystals formed by frozen water. Salt crystals are formed by some chemical elements — sodium and chlorine  which join together in a crystal shape. Sugar crystals and rock crystals are made up of different chemical elements, too.Crystals can be formed in several different ways. Most crystals are formed through evaporation. For example, when water from saltwater evaporates (or is dried up into the air), salt crystals are left behind. Ice crystals are formed when water from the Earth evaporates into the air and becomes a gas called water vapor. The water vapor becomes clouds and then freezes and falls back down to earth as snow. Ice crystals can also form as frost on windows and on the ground when the air has a lot of moisture (water vapor) and the temperature is below freezing. Some types of crystals are formed from melted rock in the earth. When the hot rock cools gradually, it will sometimes form crystals. Geodes are round rocks that are formed when bubbles are trapped in the melted rock. As the bubbles cool down, crystals grow inside of the bubble of rock. Examples of large crystals include snowflakes, diamonds, and table salt. Most inorganic solids are not crystals but poly crystals, i.e. many microscopic crystals fused together into a single solid. Examples of poly crystals include most metals, rocks, ceramics, and ice. A third category of solids is amorphous solids, where the atoms have no periodic structure whatsoever. Examples of amorphous solids include glass, wax, and many plastics.Crystals are often used in pseudo scientific practices such as crystal therapy, and, along with gemstones, are sometimes associated with spell work in Wiccan beliefs and related religious movements.Some crystals are large, bright and can stand up straight on their own, others are small, dark and shaped like a sphere. Every detail of a healing crystal is important, from its shape, to its size, to its color. All of these tiny details influence how energy flows throughout the crystal.
All crystals and gemstones are living organisms. Crystals have a life energy of their own, they are alive and usually grow in clusters.They are part of the Mineral Kingdom.
All crystals ‘vibrate’ on their own individual frequency. The frequency they send out will determine which crystal you will choose at a certain point in your life. You do choose different crystals as your needs change.Many crystals are as old as our planet and record the history of the planet.Some crystals supposedly come here from off of the planet – such moldavite or other celestial crystals.Their matrix’s follow the patterning of Sacred Geometry.Crystals come in every sizes, shapes and colors. Many are multi-colored.Crystal energy is the power that crystals naturally give off and that you are able to use to heal yourself.You can apply the metaphysical properties of these more powerful crystals, as you learn how you can use them to heal yourself. It is a great advantage to have natural crystals of any sort in your environment, and the stones with a higher vibration are powerful aids to move you forwards in your life. Some crystals have higher frequencies, and their strong energy fields can be used to raise your personal vibration.As a crystal grows, the pattern that makes it a certain shape will be repeated over and over, so the crystal will always keep the same shape as it gets bigger! The chemical elements that a crystal is made of are what tell the crystal what shape it will be. A crystal of salt is a different shape than a crystal of sugar (do the Salt vs. Sugar project to see for yourself!) because they are both formed from different elements. A lot of crystals might seem to look alike at first glance, but what elements the crystal is made out of will make it a unique shape and color. Even the same element can make different crystals, though, based on conditions such as temperature and light and what other elements are around. There are  different shapes of crystals that are common among those familiar with crystal healing. Those shapes include the cube, the double terminated point, the egg, the heart, the laser wand, the massage wand, the sacred geometry shapes, the pencil, the pendulum, the point, the rod, the sphere, the tower, the wand and the vogal wand.
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Cubic crystals, which resembles a box and has 6, 8 or even 12 sides.
Hexagonal or trigonal crystals, which have six or three sides.
Monoclinic crystals, which looks a bit like a multi-faced box.
Orthorhombic crystals, which may look like two pyramids stuck together.
Tetragonal crystals, which resemble a cube, but have one elongated side.
Triclinic crystals, which may not be symmetrical.
Image result for crystalsAngels are powerful spiritual beings who serve God and human beings in a wide        variety of ways, say people who believe in them. The English word “angel” is derived from the Greek word “angelos,” which means “messenger.” The faithful from the world’s major religions believe that angels are messengers from God who carry out tasks that God assigns them to perform on Earth.When they appear on Earth, angels may be in either human or heavenly form. The angel is a heavenly being, superior to humans, who serves as an attendant and messenger of God, or a guardian for someone on Earth. Angels typically have wings, are delicately beautiful and either glow or are surrounded by halos. So angels may visit in disguise, looking just like human beings. Or angels may appear as they’ve been popularly depicted in art, as creatures with human faces and powerful wings, often shining with light from within.Just like their name implies, angels may deliver God’s messages to humans, such as by comforting, encouraging, or warning people according to what’s best in each situation into which God sends them.
An angel is a spiritual being superior to humans in power and intelligence.Angels are typically described as benevolent, dreadful, and endowed with wisdom and knowledge of earthly events, but not infallible; for they strive with each other, and God has to make peace between them. Most of them serve either as intermediaries between Heaven and Earth, or as guardian spirits.They are studied in the theological doctrine of angelology. In Christian Science, the word “angel” is used to refer to an inspiration from God. The use of the term has extended to refer to artistic depictions of the spirits, and it is also used figuratively to refer to messengers and harbingers, and to people who possess high qualities of goodness, purity, selflessness, intelligence, and/or beauty.Angels are referred to in connection with their spiritual missions; as for instance, the “angel which has redeemed”, “an interpreter”, “the angel that destroyed”, “the messenger of the covenant”, “angel of his presence”, and “a band of angels of evil”.In fine art, angels are usually depicted as having the shape of human beings of extraordinary beauty;they are often identified using the symbols of bird wings, halos, and light.Angels may work hard to guard the people they’re assigned to from danger. Stories about angels rescuing people facing perilous situations are popular in our culture. Some people from religious traditions like Catholicism believe that everyone has a guardian angel divinely assigned to them for their entire earthly lifetime.Angels are magnificent Beings of Light who choose to interact with us humans. The Angels help us on our Earthly Journey and also in our wider Spiritual Journey.
We are all Spirits, but we as Humans have chosen to incarnate in an earthly body. We are Spirits having a human experience; not humans having a Spiritual experience.
There are nine orders, or groups, of angels that surround God. These nine are further divided into groups of three, or triads. The angels in the first triad communicate directly with God, then pass their knowledge on to the second triad, who pass it on to the third triad, who pass it on to human beings. Here is the order of angels, from highest to lowest.

First Triad

Angels closest to God who appear to humans with 6 wings and 4 heads. They are angels of love.God’s charioteers who have 4 wings and 4 heads. They are angels of knowledge.Huge, they are known as “many-eyed ones.” They make up God’s chariot.

Second Triad

Angels who oversee other angels to make sure they do their duties.Known as “the shining ones,” they are miracle makers.The “border guards” between the first and second level of heaven. They are also the guardians of human souls.

Third Triad

Angels in charge of Earth’s nations and cities.The go-betweens or messengers from God to humans who also fight the Devil.The “watchers” who never sleep. Among these are the guardian angels who are assigned to every human at birth.
Angels are, in essence, energy. Celestial beings that are the messengers between the Divine and mankind. They are nondenominational and have been guiding us for centuries in every culture and on every continent. Angels transcend time and space, meaning that they can be at more than one place  at  a time. They often come to us in times of peril, grief and even great joy. They can be called upon to help us with almost any problem, no matter how trivial we may think it is.
Connecting with angels and other beings from the spirit world is a powerful way to move your spiritual growth forward. The Angels have been called upon by people for as long as we know. On this page you will find the name of the Angel that our literature tells us will help us with a particular problem.These loving beings are there for every one of you, if you ask for their help.Once you make contact with the angels they will help you. You may start the process of connecting with angels, by going into a deep meditative state.
It is easy to use a crystal or stone of a certain color preferred by your angel to facilitate your communication. Angels are spirits, Beings of Light. Using a crystal that brings your angel’s favorite light to them can only make it easier to communicate. Here is how: Hold the crystal in your hand as you begin to communicate with the angel. Gaze into the crystal and “connect” thru it to the angel as if it was a microphone or other communication device. Use the crystal lattice to translate your thoughts to ethereal form.You may choose to hold a crystal to accelerate the process, like a lovely Blue Angelite stone, and although this is not really necessary, it is helpful.Regardless of whether you actually see angels or other beings at this time, you can still ask for their help. You may feel their presence there, and for those with the psychic gift of clairsentience this may be the way you make contact.If you feel intuitively that they are present begin to make contact. Ask and it shall be given, it is written, and the angels will help you. Begin connecting with angels, then ask for what you desire or need.In particular one that is usually easy to get is Green Prehnite. One of its strongest assets is that it will put you in touch with beings in spirit, up to the level of the Archangels, and other celestial beings. Crystals are often transparent, which means that you can see through them sort of like you can see through glass. Other kinds have beautiful colors.
Archangels are considered to very powerful spiritual beings that have captured our attention for centuries. The prefix ‘arch’ means ruling or chief in Greek. Religious texts refer to archangels as being at a high level in the celestial hierarchy. While the exact number of archangels is unknown many traditions and faiths reference seven archangels. Who these seven are is also a source of debate varying from faith to faith. Many scriptures tell of the archangels great abilities as healers and guides, intervening with assistance in many of life’s challenging situations.The archangels are the highest in the angelic hierarchy, which has nine tiers and includes angels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim and seraphim. Our very own guardian angels fall into the angel hierarchy. Archangels are those that rule different days of the week, seasons, planets, elements, and so on. Traditionally, there are seven major archangels – Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel and Zadkiel.  Each of the archangels corresponds to certain crystal or gemstone energies. Crystals, after all, are of Earth’s energy, and they can be excellent amplifiers and conductors of this energy, thus enabling us to communicate, heal and become more “in tune” with the angelic realm.  As with any crystal, those listed with each of the archangels may not seem “right” to you. In these cases, it’s best to go with your intuition and let the stones choose you. The crystals corresponding to each of the archangels are usually also associated with that angel’s planet, element, or zodiac sign. If the first one on the list doesn’t strike a chord with you, look to the others. For example, if you want to ask help from archangel Michael, and his crystals include amber or golden topaz, and these just don’t cut it for you, then try clear quartz crystal or even the sugilite (even though this stone is associated with Jupiter, Air and the sign of Aquarius). Michael is associated with the Sun, so any crystal that is also linked to the Sun, such as citrine, carnelian, tiger’s eye or sunstone with also work. Again, go with your gut feeling. Maybe you’d like to use the stones associated with Michael’s zodiac signs of Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. That’s fine too. As long as you’re comfortable. Even if you have just one crystal, that’s all you need. Angels aren’t picky, and if you can “feel” the energy from your crystal and are comfortable with it, then you are on the right path.  It’s really just up to you.  Be as creative as you want. Do what feels right to you. If you want to place a few tumbled crystals around a candle associated with a particular angel and ask for his/her aide, then go ahead. If you want to just carry them around in your pocket, or wear them as pendants on that angel’s corresponding day of the week for some added comfort or protection, that’s fine as well. If you feel comfortable meditating and using visualization to ask your petition, then hold the crystals in your hands or place them around a candle in front of you. There really is no set way, and the choices are endless. Use your imagination.Our Creator has given us every tool necessary to heal, whether it is physical aliments, emotional (feelings), mental (thoughts) or spiritual (belief) issues. He has provided Crystals, Gemstones, the Angelic and Nature realms as well as other natural remedies to assist in all ways. Crystals and Gemstones are a natural element and each one holds a specific vibration. Also the energy wavelengths of color can have a significant effect upon a person’s health, psychological condition and general well-being. Using crystals and colors along with the Archangel associated with that particular crystal enhances the crystal’s vibration and quickens healing on all levels.
Continue on to learn about 7 well- known Archangels and their specialties.
Angel Name / Crystal or Gemstone Name

Ariel—rose quartz
Azrael—yellow calcite
Jophiel—rubellite or deep pink tourmaline
Metatron—watermelon tourmaline
Raphael—emerald or malachite
Raziel—clear quartz
Zadkiel—lapis lazuli
Archangels are the managers of guardian angels and are very powerful and loving. They are gender-less but their specialties and purposes favor either a male or female energy to them. Each of the archangels has a particular aura color and gemstone that corresponds to them and you can use crystals to develop a closer relationship with each archangel. There is no right or wrong way to summon these great angels and since they are omnipresent (being present everywhere) they can be with you and everyone who wishes at the same time.
Ariel Related imagePale PinkRose Quartz‘Lioness of God’ – Helps with qualities of bravery, courage & focus with elegance. She will help boost your confidence. Involved with divine magic and miracles, she helps with manifestations and is the ‘Master Manifestor’. Helps teachers, healers & service workers, protects the environment & heals animals.
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Vanilla CreamYellow Calcite‘Angel of Death’ – Brings comfort & love to those who are grieving or dying. Brings messages from loved ones in heaven & helps them to make contact.
The gemstone Calcite with its creamy yellow is calibrated to Azrael’s energy, so holding or wearing this gemstone may bring additional comfort.
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Pale GreenFluorite“He who is with God” – Helps us to see clearly & find things, situations & people. Renowned for help in finding the best career. The Angel of Peace both personal & global.
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CopperCitrine‘Messenger Angel’ – Loves to coach & help with writing. Can open doors for publication & will help in the enjoyment of writing. Helps to find strength and connect with personal power. Reassures that it is safe to be powerful. Works with mothers & children & helps us connect with our inner child & play.
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Bluish-whiteMoonstone‘Glory of God’ – Helps in connecting with divine magic and powerful cycles of the moon. Helps to groom hidden talents & find true passions. Helps us to appreciate ourselves and build self-worth honouring our cycles & moods – strengths & shadows.
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Eggplant PurpleAmethyst‘Mercy of God’ – Answered prayers, change – everything is happening for a reason. All is well. Helps to review life and take stock of where you have been. Helps us to heal patterns that are no longer working. Helps us to be merciful to our self/others.
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Deep Rose/ Magenta PinkRubelite
(Deep Pink Tourmaline)
‘Beauty of God’ – Helps to clear clutter both mental & physical, negative thinking, clearing energy. Helps us to stay in Higher Self focus of bliss, love & joy. Encourages you to spend time in nature & experience more grace & peace in life.
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Violet/Sea Foam GreenWatermelon TourmalineAngel of sacred geometry & numerology (Kabbalah). Helps to clear and open your chakras, cleaning psychic toxins from your body. Works with sensitive children, Indigos & Crystals. Helps to organize schedules to make time for activities that are close to your heart.
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Royal Blue & tinges of Royal PurpleSugilite and AmethystHe who is like God’ – Protection, escorts away lower energies in your space. Works with us while we sleep and enters our dreams to clear away fears. Helps with the qualities of love, power, strength & unwavering faith.
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Pale BlueAquamarine‘Friend of God’ – Clairsentience – helps to distinguish between your feelings and those of others. Guides us towards situations, people and places that have clear & loving energy. Guides us to act fairly and find win-win solutions. Helps to maintain harmony & order in relationships. Acts as mediator and helps to find creative solutions.
RaphaelImage result for archangels and their crystals fantasy artEmerald GreenEmerald/ Malachite‘Heavens Physician’ – Gives guidance for a healthier lifestyle. Helps with anything requiring healing, relief from burdens, and Divine guidance through intuition, thoughts, ideas & dreams.
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All colours of the rainbowQuartzClairvoyance through dreams, images and inner sight. Helps us gain deeper spiritual understanding & apply it in practical ways. He will take you soul traveling in your dreams to discover truths & ancient wisdom that will become part of your subconscious & be with you when you wake up.
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Cool TurquoiseTurquoiseArchangel of music & answered prayers. Helps with communication & expression so that you may speak your truth openly and that your words & actions are kind & gentle yet powerful. Take time for a gentle retreat to rejuvenate & connect with peace. Enjoy the present moment. He will help you live in integrity with your spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing & manifestation fully awakened.
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Pale YellowAmberClaircognizance – Divine ideas & intellectual guidance. Lights our pathway so we know which step to take next.
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Deep Indigo BlueLapis lazuli

‘Mercy of God’ – Compassion & forgiveness. Helps to release emotional toxins. Helps with Clairaudience through the brow chakra. Helps with memory & memorizing.
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There are a range of different spiritual beings that you may choose to call angels, and these include the seven Archangels, your guardian angels, your spirit guides and the various other angels, sometimes called the ministry of angels. All of these spiritual beings are available for you to call upon for help, and all have various jobs.Once you begin spiritual development or work to develop your psychic abilities, making contact with your spirit guide as well as with this spiritual beings will possibly happen as part of the process.Many of you will be aware that you have guardian angels, as these beings may have aided you in times of trouble. It is said that we each have two guardian angels, who begin their job when we are born, and are with us constantly until the day we return to spirit.It is specifically known to aid you when connecting with angels and to make contact with Archangel Raphael, to aid healing and enhance creativity.In the past they believed it to be a stone of magic, and this may have been because contacting angels was made easier when using Green Prehnite.
The Seven Archangels are the most important of the angels in the higher realms, and they have specific jobs that they do to aid those of us on earth.he angels watch over every aspect of our lives, and the archangels each have specialties as their part in fulfilling God’s will of peace. You can connect more deeply with the archangels by working with crystals which resonate with the same color frequency and specialty of the associated archangel.
The most well known are the four highest Archangels. Their names are Archangel Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel. The other three are Archangels Raguel, Sariel and Remiel.
Various sources outline exactly what they look after, so I will tell you some of what I have read that they are responsible for.
Michael is the highest of the Archangels and he looks after matters relating to protection and love.
Gabriel is his second in command,and he (or she) is responsible for helping you if you have emotional problems.
Raphael’s job is to aid healing and creativity, so he is the one many of you may feel the need to call upon if you are sick and need healing.
If he is called upon to help, he also guides healers to take the right action in difficult situations.
Uriel helps you to stay grounded and is said to be the angel that greets you as you enter heaven. Many people believe he is also responsible for aiding those with musical gifts.
We are able to contact both the Archangels and the other angels whose work it is to be of service to mankind. Many of you may have been aware that you have angels around, but not everyone is aware that the angels are very happy to help you.You may have seen them during meditation, especially if you have been meditating with a crystal in your hand, like the lovely Blue Iolite Stones.The first thing to remember is that they want to help you, but that you will need to ask for their help. This is because everyone is born with free will, and unless you ask for their help, they are not allowed to help.Connecting with angels may happen in a situation of danger, because you may ask by putting out an energetic request from the depths of your heart. Your guardian angels will help you in these circumstances.There are particular stones that are known to aid both clairaudience and to help you to make contact with angels.If you are meant to be clairaudient, using particular crystals may allow you to develop this gift more quickly.Each of you have individual psychic gifts that you are specifically able to develop.Use crystals such as Blue Celestite, Iolite Stones, Herkimer Diamonds or Selenite to help you develop both.
Once you start to use these crystals they may help the process to both aid clairaudience and help you to begin connecting with angels and angelic beings.Be aware that you do not need to be clairaudient to make contact with angels. Some people experience angelic beings by seeing them and may have the gift of clairvoyance or psychic visions.

Each of the archangels corresponds to certain crystal or gemstone energies. Crystals, after all, are of Earth’s energy, and they can be excellent amplifiers and conductors of this energy, thus enabling us to communicate, heal and become more “in tune” with the angelic realm.
As with any crystal, those listed with each of the archangels may not seem “right” to you. In these cases, it’s best to go with your intuition and let the stones choose you. The crystals corresponding to each of the archangels are usually also associated with that angel’s planet, element, or zodiac sign. If the first one on the list doesn’t strike a chord with you, look to the others. For example, if you want to ask help from archangel Michael, and his crystals include amber or golden topaz, and these just don’t cut it for you, then try clear quartz crystal or even the sugilite (even though this stone is associated with Jupiter, Air and the sign of Aquarius). Michael is associated with the Sun, so any crystal that is also linked to the Sun, such as citrine, carnelian, tiger’s eye or sunstone with also work. Again, go with your gut feeling.
Picture  Archangel     Crystal ColorArchangel’s Role
Image result for the Art of Steve A Roberts archangel arielArielRose QuartzPale PinkAriel assists with divine magic, environmentalism  (water bodies), manifestation, wild animals, fish and birds both healing and protecting them. Healing issues of the heart, self love, inner peace.
Image result for the Art of Steve A RobertsAzraelYellow
Vanilla CreamComforting the dying and the grieving, crossing over the newly deceased person’s soul, grief counseling, support for grieving (material, spiritual, emotional).
Image result for the Art of Steve A Roberts archangel sandalphonChamuelFluoritePale GreenChamuel assists with career, life purpose, finding lost items, relationships, soulmates, & world peace.
 Related imageGabrielCitrineCopperGabriel assists with adopting a child, artists and art-related projects, child conception and fertility, journalism & writing, TV and radio work.
 Image result for the Art of Steve A Roberts archangel hanielHanielMoonstoneBluish WhiteHaniel assists with bringing grace into our lives, healing abilities, moon energy, poise, psychic abilities-especially clairvoyance.
 Image result for the Art of Steve A Roberts archangel metatronJeremielAmethystEgg Plant PurpleJeremiel assists with life review, making positive changes, helps us with clairvoyance and prophetic visions, and helps us to interpret psychic dreams.
 Image result for the Art of Steve A Roberts archangel jophielJophielPink
Deep Rose, MagentaJophiel assists with artistic projects and artists, beautiful thoughts, interior decorating, slowing down from a hectic pace.
 Image result for the Art of Steve A Roberts archangel metatronMetatronWatermelon
Sea-Foam GreenMetatron supervises new Indigo and Crystal Children, oversees unity, education, truth and children’s issues. He also helps to assist you in owning your own power.
 Related imageMichaelSugilite,
Dark Purple
Royal Blue, PurpleMichael rids the earth and its inhabitants of fear, gives guidance and direction, angel of protection, justice and strength.
 Image result for the Art of Steve A Roberts archangel raguelRaguelAquamarine,
Aqua Aura
Light BlueRaguel aids in resolving arguments, cooperation and harmony in groups and families, defending the unfairly treated, empowerment-especially for underdogs, mediation of disputes, orderliness.
 Related imageRaphaelEmerald,
Raphael is Divine healer, he assists with addictions, cravings, clairvoyance, eyesight, healers, finding lost pets, space clearing, spirit releasing, travelers.
 Image result for the Art of Steve A Roberts archangel razielRazielClear QuartzAll colors of rainbowRaziel knows all of the secrets of the universe and how it operates. Helps you to understand esoteric material, increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance, alchemy, divine magic and manifesting.
 Image result for the Art of Steve A Roberts archangel zadkielSandalphonTurquoiseTurquoiseSandalphon assists with music, delivering and answering prayers.
 Image result for the Art of Steve A Roberts archangel jeremielUrielAmberPale YellowUriel illuminates situations and gives prophetic information and warnings, helps with natural disasters, defender of the element of earth and of the north. Angel of nature, wisdom, visions, instructions, custodian of prophecy, spiritual understanding, students and can be called upon to help with their tests, studies and problem solving.
 Image result for the Art of Steve A Roberts archangel zadkielZadkielLapis LazuliDeep Indigo BlueZadkiel helps you to hold mercy and compassion towards yourself and others, and to let go of judgments and un forgiveness, forgive yourself or another.
Crystal energy is the power that crystals naturally give off and that you are able to use to heal yourself.You can apply the metaphysical properties of these more powerful crystals, as you learn how you can use them to heal yourself.It is a great advantage to have natural crystals of any sort in your environment, and the stones with a higher vibration are powerful aids to move you forwards in your life.Some crystals have higher frequencies, and their strong energy fields can be used to raise your personal vibration.
Angels are, in essence, energy. Celestial beings that are the messengers between the Divine and mankind. They are nondenominational and have been guiding us for centuries in every culture and on every continent. Angels transcend time and space, meaning that they can be at more than one place  at  a time. They often come to us in times of peril, grief and even great joy. They can be called upon to help us with almost any problem, no matter how trivial we may think it is.  Angels are interwoven within the culture of man. Regardless of religion or belief system, stories of angels are a part of our heritage, of the fabric that makes up human history. Recent surveys say that up to eighty-five percent of American adults believe in angels. Often references to angels refer specifically to Archangels.
The archangels are the highest in the angelic hierarchy, which has nine tiers and includes angels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim and seraphim. Our very own guardian angels fall into the angel hierarchy. Archangels are those that rule different days of the week, seasons, planets, elements, and so on. Traditionally, there are seven major archangels – Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel and Zadkiel.
Each of the archangels corresponds to certain crystal or gemstone energies. Crystals, after all, are of Earth’s energy, and they can be excellent amplifiers and conductors of this energy, thus enabling us to communicate, heal and become more “in tune” with the angelic realm.
As with any crystal, those listed with each of the archangels may not seem “right” to you. In these cases, it’s best to go with your intuition and let the stones choose you. The crystals corresponding to each of the archangels are usually also associated with that angel’s planet, element, or zodiac sign. If the first one on the list doesn’t strike a chord with you, look to the others. For example, if you want to ask help from archangel Michael, and his crystals include amber or golden topaz, and these just don’t cut it for you, then try clear quartz crystal or even the sugilite (even though this stone is associated with Jupiter, Air and the sign of Aquarius). Michael is associated with the Sun, so any crystal that is also linked to the Sun, such as citrine, carnelian, tiger’s eye or sunstone with also work. Again, go with your gut feeling.
Archangels are considered to very powerful spiritual beings that have captured our attention for centuries. The prefix ‘arch’ means ruling or chief in Greek. Religious texts refer to archangels as being at a high level in the celestial hierarchy. While the exact number of archangels is unknown many traditions and faiths reference seven archangels. Who these seven are is also a source of debate varying from faith to faith. Many scriptures tell of the archangels great abilities as healers and guides, intervening with assistance in many of life’s challenging situations.
Ariel is the archangel of Nature. Ariel’s name means “Lion or Lioness of God” and his aura is a pale shade of pink. If you wear or hold a rose quartz crystal, your heart will open further to Ariel’s magnificent love. Ask him for whatever you need, and he’ll guide you accordingly. Call upon him to heal and help wild animals and the environment. You may feel or hear the wind as a sign that he is around you. Since he is very involved with healing and protecting nature, it is no surprise that he oversees the sprites, the nature angels associated with water. This is another archangel who may be male or female. My intuition is going with female, but you can decide for yourself. Ariel means “Lion of God” and she is ruled by Saturn, the element of air and is best called upon on Saturday. Ariel heals animals, both wild and domestic, and generally all of nature. She is guardian over the nature spirits, such as faeries and elves, sylphs and undies. Ariel’s associated crystals are Apatite, Agate (especially Moss and Tree agates) and Jasper (such as the Leopardskin and Dalmatian varieties). She is patron of veterinarians, breeders, archaeologists, civil engineers, and animal rescue workers.
Azrael is the angel of life’s natural cycles – living and dying – and of journeys. Azrael’s name means “Whom God helps” and his aura is a beautiful shade of vanilla cream: a very pale yellow tone. He surrounds grieving and dying persons with this loving light to bring them comfort. When Azrael is around, you may see eggshell-colored lights in the room. The crystal, creamy yellow calcite is calibrated to Azrael’s energy, so holding or wearing this crystal may lend additional comfort He is ruled by Tuesday, the planet Mars and the element of earth. Azrael’s name means “Whom God helps” and he is most often helpful during times of grief and bereavement. Crystals associated with Azrael are Yellow Calcite, Amethyst, and Purple Fluorite.
Chamuel’s name means “He who sees God” and his aura is pale green. He is usually on the list of the seven core archangels, and he’s considered a powerful leader in the angelic hierarchy known as the “Powers”. Call on Chamuel to help heal anxiety and bring peace into your life. He also helps us seek out important parts of our lives, such as love relationships, friends, careers, lost items, and our life purpose. You can feel close to Chamuel’s loving energy by wearing or carrying a green fluorite crystal.
Gabriel’s name means “Messenger of God” and her aura is a copper color, like her trumpet. Gabriel (who is a female) has long been known as a powerful and strong archangel. She guides hopeful parents toward child conception or through the process of adopting a child and helps anyone whose life purpose involves art or communication. When you wear the gemstone citrine, or the precious metal copper, you readily connect with her energy.
Haniel rules Fridays and the planet Venus, as well as the element of water. Haniel’s name means “Glory of God” and he is the angel of the West wind, growth, love and healing (especially alternative medicine). He can be called upon for matters dealing with children, marriage, artistic endeavors, natural preservation and music. Haniel’s crystals are Rose Quartz, Pink Calcite and Chrysoprase. Haniel’s name means “Glory of God” and her aura is bluish-white, like the moon’s glow. Haniel helps us recover the lost secrets of natural healing remedies, especially involving the harnessing of the moon’s energy in potions, powders, and crystals. She adds beauty, harmony, and the company of wonderful friends to your life and helps you stay poised and centered before and during any important event. The crystal associated with Haniel is the moonstone, which has magical, nurturing energy associated with it. Wear or hold a moonstone whenever you wish to feel close to Haniel. She will care for you with her nurturing mother energy and effect miracles with her love for you.
Jeremiel’s name means “Mercy of God” and his aura is violet. You will see sparkles of purple light when Jeremiel is with you and the crystal aligned with the energy of him is amethyst. Jeremiel is an archangel of prophetic visions and helps newly crossed-over souls review their lives. He also helps the living take inventory of their life so they can make positive adjustments. You will then learn from those experiences and be stronger and centered on love. Call upon Jeremiel to heal emotions, clairvoyance and prophetic visions, and interpreting psychic dreams. Wearing or holding amethyst helps you to connect even closer to Jeremiel’s kind and loving energy.
Jophiel’s name means “Beauty of God” and her aura is deep rose pink, signifying her beautiful, loving, and caring nature. She is the archangel of art and beauty and helps us to think beautiful thoughts. She helps you to see and appreciate beauty around you and therefore, create, manifest, and attract more beauty into your life. Dark pink crystals, such as pink rubellite or pink tourmaline, are associated with Jophiel’s energy. Call upon Jophiel to hep heal negativity and chaos in your life.
Michael’s name means “He who is like God” or “He who looks like God”. This archangel is a leader among archangels. He’s in charge of the order of angels known as “the Virtues” and he oversees the light worker’s life purpose. He can be called on to fix electrical and mechanical devices and guides and directs those who feel lost, or stuck with respect to their life’s purpose or career path. You can call on Michael whenever you are afraid or vulnerable and he will come immediately. He gives courage and protects you from anyone who might have intended to harm you. He is a fiery energy and his presence is enough to make you sweat. His aura is royal purple and when he’s nearby you may see bright blue or purple sparks of light. The gemstone sugilite is aligned with Archangel Michael’s energy and if you wear sugilite you may find yourself channeling profound and loving messages from Michael.
Metatron, who was formally the prophet Enoch, is now head of the Akashic Records, or God’s archives. He is the angel of Thought. Metatron rules Sundays, the element of Fire and the planets Pluto or the Sun. He presides over all our guardian angels and often appears with a scroll and pen. Metatron, though an imposing angel, is quite gentle, often helping children who have passed over. He may be called upon when you are changing to a new path in life, learning opportunities, and helping children with learning disabilities. Crystals linked to Metatron are Sardonyx (which is banded Onyx), Mahogany Obsidian and Red or Orange Aventurine. Metatron, who is also the prophet and scibe Enoch, is said to have “Walked withGod” and retained his God-given purity during his mortal life. He is one of the only two archangels who were once mortal men who walked upon the earth and was escorted directly by God to the seventh Heaven to reside and work. His job is to record everything that happened on Earth and keep it in the Akashic records. He also has a very special place in his heart for children-especially those labeled with ADD or ADHD. He works to find alternatives to Ritalin and other psychoactive medications. Although he is passionate about all childhood issues and encourages everyone to call on him for concerns about their children. His aura is beautiful green and pink stripes. The crystal aligned with Metatron’s energy is watermelon tourmaline.
Image result for fantasy art by hiroyuki satouRaguel is the archangel of snow and ice. He also governs the behavior of the other angels. He carries a flaming sword that he may use to melt the snows of winter. Raguel’s name means “Friend of God” and he creates harmony and understanding in relationships that may be experiencing discord. Raguel’s crystals are Milky Quartz and Moonstone. Raguel’s name means “Friend of God” and he has a beautiful pale-blue aura, like the sky on a perfect spring morning. He oversees all of the other archangels and angels, ensuring that they are all working well together in a harmonious and orderly fashion. He loves to help those who feel slighted or mistreated. He will resolve any conflict, bring harmony to groups or families, and mediate disputes. Wearing or holding an aquamarine or aqua aura crystal will align you with Raguel’s kind and wise persona.
Raphael’s name means “God Heals” or “God has Healed”, and he has an emerald-green aura. Raphael is a powerful healer and can be called for any kind of healing. He is also known as the “Patron of Travelers” and can be called on for safe travel, lodging, and luggage details. Healers can mentally call upon Raphael for guidance before or during treatment sessions. Archangels Raphael and Michael often work in tandem to exorcise troublesome spirits and escort away lower energies from people and places. The crystals that are aligned with Raphael’s healing energy are emeralds and malachite.
Raziel is the archangel of Secrets and the mysteries of life. His name means “Secret of God” and he is guardian over mystical knowledge. He often appears in shadow, as a misty fog and may be called upon for psychic learning, dream interpretation, the cause or root of an illness, spiritual understanding and using natural resources wisely. Raziel’s planet is Neptune, his day of the week is Saturday and his element is Air. Raziel is patron of astrologers, scientists, clairvoyants, and even Secret Service workers.  His crystals are Peridot, Apache Tears, and Aqua Aura Crystals. Raziel’s name means “Secret of God” because he works so closely with the Creator that he knows all of the secrets of the Universe and how it operates. He is also known as the “wizard archangel” and can help you understand esoteric material, manifestation principles, sacred geometry, quantum physics, and other high level information. He can also help with alchemy, clairvoyance, divine magic, and psychic abilities. His aura holds all the colors of the rainbow, like a beautiful prism of light and since clear quartz also includes every color of the rainbow, it is the gemstone you should use to work with Raziel.
Sandalphon was Image result for fantasy art by hiroyuki satouMetatron’s twin brother, the prophet Elijah. His name means “Brother” and he is considered one of the Seraphim. Sandalphon is the archangel of Power and he oversees strength, prosperity and beauty. He gives us the joy of living and is also given the task of looking after unborn children. He may be called upon for issues concerning pregnancy, fertility and birth. Sandalphon also helps release emotional blocks, fear, guilt and aggressive tendencies. This angel is the patron of musicians, journalists, nurses, pediatricians and midwives. The planet Jupiter rules this archangel, as does the element of Earth. His day is Thursday and crystals linked to Sandalphon are Turquoise and Calcite (any variety).Sandalphon’s name means “brother” in Greek and is a reference to his twin brother, Archangel Metatron. He was the prophet Elijah and was rewarded for his good work upon Earth, allowing him and Metatron to continue their service from Heaven. He ascended to Heaven in a chariot pulled by two horses of fire, accompanied by a whirlwind and was recorded in the second chapter of the Book of 2 Kings. His role is to carry human prayers to God so they may be answered but you can also call on him to help with music. Sandalphon’s aura and corresponding gemstone is the cool shade of turquoise.
Uriel’s name means “God is Light”, “God’s Light” or “Fire of God”. He illuminates situations and gives prophetic information and warnings. He also brought the knowledge and practice of alchemy (turning base metal into precious metal) to humankind. He is one of the wisest archangels and you can call on him for intellectual information, practical solutions, and creative insight. He helps with earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, natural disasters, and Earth changes. Call on him to avert them or to heal and recover in the aftermath. His aura is pale yellow, like a candle’s glow and his energy is aligned with amber.
Zadkiel’s name means “Righteousness of God” and his aura is a deep indigo blue. He is the archangel of mercy and benevolence and can also help you let go of judgement and un forgiveness. He works with Archangel Michael to replace negative energies with faith and compassion. He also helps with finding lost objects, memory enhancement, and studying. Wearing the semiprecious stone lapis lazuli helps you feel a closer connection to Zadkiel.

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